Indoor Plant Foods

Heather Ford DDS
11 min readJun 11, 2024


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the best indoor plant food on the market! Are you looking for a way to keep your plants healthy and thriving, even when you’re indoors? Our roundup includes top-rated products that cater to various plant species and their specific nutritional requirements. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a novice, we’ve got you covered! So, let’s dive in and explore the best indoor plant food options available today.

The Top 6 Best Indoor Plant Foods

  1. Back to The Roots Organic Plant Food for Indoor Plants — Revive your indoor plants with the 100% organic, non-toxic Back to The Roots Organic Indoor Plant Food, featuring a concentrated formula for 95 applications!
  2. Natural Indoor & Outdoor Plant Food for All Seasons — Nourish plants all year round with Good Dirt Naturals Indoor & Outdoor Plant Food, a natural liquid concentrate that encourages robust growth and enhances overall plant health.
  3. Effortless Indoor Plant Food for Vibrant Results — Sta-Green Mini Plant Food Spikes provide easy and efficient indoor plant nutrition, resulting in vibrant colors and healthy foliage.
  4. Efficient Indoor Plant Nutrients for Optimal Growth and Health — Nouri Hydroponic Liquid Plant Food A & B Nutrients — A pH-balanced, easy-to-use liquid fertilizer that supports healthy plant growth and is compatible with various growing mediums, making it the perfect choice for indoor plants.
  5. Osmocote Plus 8 lb Indoor and Outdoor Smart-Release Plant Food — Transform your indoor and outdoor greenery into vibrant, healthy plants with Osmocote Plus’s 15–9–12 formulation for up to six months.
  6. Lush Leaf Indoor Plant Food: Nourishing Care for Flourishing Houseplants — Experience the ultimate indoor plant care with Lush Leaf, a specially crafted plant food that promotes healthy growth, vibrant foliage, and sustained well-being for your beloved houseplants.

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Back to The Roots Organic Plant Food for Indoor Plants


Back to the Roots’ Organic Indoor Plant Food is a fantastic choice for those seeking a plant-based, organic solution to maintain and nourish their indoor plants. This 16.00 oz, value-sized bottle offers a concentrated formula, enabling 95 applications. One of the highlights of this product is its 100% plant and mineral-based, non-toxic formula, which ensures a healthy, safe, and eco-friendly choice for your indoor garden.

The product, designed specifically for indoor use, utilizes plants as its primary ingredient to support strong root growth and help plants achieve optimal health. With no synthetic chemicals or animal waste, this plant food aligns with environmentally conscious choices, making it a great addition to any at-home gardening arsenal. When used according to directions, this plant food delivers a noticeable difference, with plants typically appearing more vibrant and standing taller.

While the Back to the Roots Organic Indoor Plant Food has garnered positive reviews for its effectiveness, there were a few concerns expressed about the product’s odor. Some users found the smell to be somewhat strong and unpleasant, causing them to rate the product lower.

In conclusion, the Back to the Roots Organic Indoor Plant Food is a high-quality product that boasts a strong and all-natural blend. It may not be the best option for those sensitive to strong odors, but overall, it impresses with its plant-based formula and the health benefits it provides to indoor plants.

Natural Indoor & Outdoor Plant Food for All Seasons

I recently tried Good Dirt Naturals Indoor & Outdoor Plant Food and had quite an experience. The product promises to deliver essential nutrients to my plants, encouraging both foliage and root growth.

After diluting the concentrate and carefully applying it to some of my indoor plants, I noticed a difference almost immediately. The plant food appeared to be doing its job by making my plants look healthier and greener. Overall, I found Good Dirt to be an affordable, easy-to-use, and effective plant food. The fact that it is free of artificial fertilizers and derived from nature only added to its appeal for me.

Effortless Indoor Plant Food for Vibrant Results

These Sta-Green mini plant food spikes are a game-changer for all your indoor plant needs. They’re perfect for all varieties of houseplants, potted plants, hanging plants, and flowers, delivering essential nutrients directly to their roots. Say goodbye to messy mixing and measuring!

These spikes are easy to press into the soil without any special tools, and they won’t break or leave a dusty residue. Best applied every 6–8 weeks, your plants will thrive with beautiful leaves and vibrant colors, thanks to the 5% nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content. Conveniently, no cap or special tools are required.

The 18-spike pack weighs around 0.5 lb, and each spike feeds your plant for up to 2 months.

Efficient Indoor Plant Nutrients for Optimal Growth and Health

I recently tried the Nouri Hydroponic Liquid Plant Food A&B Nutrients for my indoor plants, and I must say, it has made a significant difference in their health. The liquid fertilizer is easy to use and comes with clear measurement markings and simple mixing instructions. It’s designed to provide all essential elements and minerals needed for optimal growth and health, and I’ve noticed my plants growing stronger and healthier since I started using it.

One of the highlights of this product is its compatibility with various growing mediums for indoor plants, making it easy to use regardless of your preferred method. Additionally, the absence of pesticides and herbicides ensures that it’s safe for not only my plants but also for people and pets in my home.

However, I did encounter a small challenge when it came to finding the right dosage for my plants. The recommended dosage on the label seemed a bit vague, and I had to do some research to figure out the optimal amount for my specific plants.

Overall, the Nouri Hydroponic Liquid Plant Food A&B Nutrients is a great choice for those looking for a natural, cost-effective way to improve the health and vitality of their indoor plants. Just be prepared to do a little research to figure out the best dosage for your plants.

Osmocote Plus 8 lb Indoor and Outdoor Smart-Release Plant Food

I recently started using the Osmocote Plus Outdoor and Indoor Smart-Release Plant Food, and I must say, it’s made a noticeable difference in the health and growth of my plants. Applying this slow-release, long-term formulation of 15–9–12 nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium just once every six months has been a game-changer in making gardening a lot more convenient for me. It’s perfect for both indoor and outdoor use, and it hasn’t caused any harsh chemical burns on my plants.

One of the best things about this product is its easy application. The size of the capsules might seem a bit excessive at first, but they contain a generous amount of the plant food, making it well worth the investment. Another great feature is that it doesn’t harm my fish when used in an aquarium.

While I haven’t personally experienced any adverse effects with the Osmocote Plus, I can see how it might have some drawbacks for those with very specific aquarium setups. It seems to promote more air bubbles in the substrate, which can create a mess if not handled properly.

Overall, I can’t recommend the Osmocote Plus more highly. It’s an excellent product that has made a positive impact on my plants’ health, growth, and appearance.

Lush Leaf Indoor Plant Food: Nourishing Care for Flourishing Houseplants

Lush Leaf is an indoor houseplant fertilizer that’s been tailored specifically for the unique needs of our green friends living within the controlled environment of our homes. This fertilizer is more than just plant food; it’s a carefully crafted blend of nutrients designed to encourage and support growth patterns that are entirely suited to indoor spaces.

I recently tried it out on my own indoor garden and I was genuinely impressed with the results. The ease of application was a game-changer, no more messy spills or residue on my surfaces. I simply followed the instructions and watched as the nutrients were absorbed directly into the roots and leaves of my plants, resulting in quicker and more noticeable improvements in their overall health.

One of the most impressive things about Lush Leaf is its all-encompassing nature. No matter the type of plant you have — succulents, flowering plants, or foliage favorites — Lush Leaf has a formulation that caters to each specific indoor houseplant. You can even use it confidently, knowing it’s gentle on plants while effectively providing the necessary nutrients.

What really stands out about this product is not only its immediate effects but also its sustained health benefits over the long term. With continued use, my indoor plants continued to flourish, transforming my living spaces into a true oasis.

I’d highly recommend Lush Leaf to anyone looking to improve the health and longevity of their indoor houseplants. It’s more than just a fertilizer — it’s a testament to the power of thoughtful, expertly crafted care for our indoor gardening friends.

Buyer’s Guide

Indoor plants are a great way to add life and color to any room, but they require proper nutrition to thrive. Indoor plant food can help provide the essential nutrients your plants need to stay healthy and grow. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know which one to choose. This buyer’s guide will provide you with important information to consider when purchasing indoor plant food.

Important Features

When selecting indoor plant food, consider the following features to ensure you are picking the right product for your plants’ needs:

  1. Nutrient content: Look for a fertilizer with a balanced N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) ratio that is suitable for your specific plants. 2) Organic or synthetic: Choose between organic or synthetic fertilizers based on your preferences and the demands of your plant species. 3) Ease of use: Some indoor plant foods come as granules, pellets, or liquid concentrates. Choose the type that is easiest for you to apply and measure accurately.


Before purchasing indoor plant food, consider the following factors:

  1. Plant type: Different plants have different nutrient requirements. Research the specific needs of your plants to ensure you choose the right type of fertilizer. 2) Plant age and size: The nutrient requirements of young, small plants will be different from those of mature, large plants. Choose a product that is suitable for the age and size of your indoor plants. 3) Environmental factors: Consider the temperature, humidity, and light conditions of your plant’s environment, as these factors can affect nutrient uptake and the plant’s overall health.

General Advice

Following these general advice points can help you get the most out of your indoor plant food purchase:

  1. Read the label: Before applying any indoor plant food, read the label carefully and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. 2) Don’t overdo it: Too much fertilizer can be harmful to your plants. Stick to the recommended dosage to avoid any issues. 3) Monitor your plants: Keep a close eye on your plants after applying the fertilizer, and adjust the frequency and dilution according to their response.

Indoor plant food is an essential tool for maintaining healthy and thriving plants. By understanding the important features, making the right considerations, and following the general advice provided in this guide, you can make an informed decision when purchasing indoor plant food for your indoor garden.


What are the benefits of using indoor plant food?

Indoor plant food provides essential nutrients to your houseplants, promoting healthy growth and vibrant foliage. These nutrients help in the plant’s overall health and well-being, such as strengthening stems, encouraging root development, and enhancing flowering or fruiting. By using indoor plant food, your plants will be nourished and thrive, adding an aesthetically pleasing touch to your living environment.

Additionally, many indoor plant foods have been designed specifically for use with houseplants, ensuring that your plants receive the correct nutrients and at the appropriate dosage. This helps to prevent over- or under-feeding, which can harm your plants or lead to nutrient imbalances that may negatively affect your indoor garden.

Do all indoor plants require plant food?

While not all indoor plants require the use of plant food, many plants benefit from additional nutrients to maintain healthy growth. It is essential to understand the nutrient needs of your specific plant species, as some plants may be more vigorous with the help of indoor plant food, while others might be sensitive to added nutrients. Generally, larger plants, those with higher biomass, and those grown in nutrient-poor soils will benefit from the use of indoor plant food.

If you are unsure whether your plant requires indoor plant food, it is a good practice to conduct research on its specific needs or consult with a horticulturist or experienced gardener. This will help you determine the best course of action for maintaining the health and vitality of your indoor plants.

What nutrients are typically found in indoor plant food?

Indoor plant food provides a wide range of essential nutrients for your houseplants, which may include the following macronutrients and micronutrients: Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper, Zinc, and Manganese. These nutrients are necessary for optimal plant growth, supporting processes such as photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, and overall metabolism.

Additionally, some indoor plant foods may contain a wide variety of organic materials and composts. These natural components help to provide beneficial microorganisms, which can improve soil structure and promote healthy root growth. Concentrated liquid plant foods are also available, offering a quick and easy solution for providing nutrients to your plants with less maintenance required.

How often should I feed my indoor plants with plant food?

The frequency of feeding your indoor plants with plant food can vary depending on multiple factors, including the type of plant, the age of the plant, the size of the pot, the type of soil used, and the nutrient content of that soil. Generally, it is safe to follow the manufacturer’s recommended feeding schedule on the plant food label or packaging.

As a starting point, most indoor plants benefit from a regular feeding schedule (every 2–4 weeks) during their growing season. It is essential not to overfeed, which can lead to nutrient burn or toxicity, causing your plants to suffer. Monitor your plants’ health and visual cues, such as new growth or leaf appearance, to determine whether adjustments are needed in the feeding schedule. In any case, it is always better to be cautious and feed less frequently, ensuring that your plants receive consistent and balanced nutrition.

What type of indoor plant food should I choose?

When choosing indoor plant food, there are a few factors to consider, such as the age and type of your plants, the condition of the soil in which they are planted, and your own personal preferences. Generally, it is best to select a high-quality, well-balanced indoor plant food that caters to the needs of common houseplants.

Organic indoor plant foods are gaining in popularity due to their eco-friendly nature and potential for providing nourishment to your plants while also supporting the health of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. These foods can be made from various natural materials such as compost, manure, bone meal, or blood meal, and are available in powder, liquid, or crystalline forms.

Can I use the same indoor plant food for all my houseplants?

While your houseplants may all benefit from the use of indoor plant food, it is essential to understand that different plant species have varying nutrient requirements. To ensure your plants receive the appropriate care, it is advisable to read the manufacturer’s feeding recommendations and choose indoor plant food that is specifically designed for use with houseplants or the type of plant you are nurturing. Some indoor plant food products on the market cater to specific plant types or have general formulations for common houseplants, further simplifying the selection process.

It is also important to note that some houseplants may experience nutrient overload if the same indoor plant food is used consistently. To address this, consider rotating your houseplants with different fertilizers and nutrient sources, or follow a regular feeding schedule to help balance the nutrient intake.

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